Post-hoc analysis–the association between baseline characteristics (wave 1) and alcohol use at wave 2 in the TRAILS Study (the Netherlands, 2000–2017, N = 2,229) in the multivariat...
Bidirectional associations between educational level and alcohol use in the TRAILS Study (the Netherlands, 2000–2017, N = 2,229); linear regression coefficients (stdyx-standardized...
Characteristics of adolescents participating in the TRAILS Study (the Netherlands, 2000–2017, N = 2,229) at wave 1 (2000–2002) and according to educational level at wave 2 (2003–20...
Alcohol use of adolescents and young adults participating in the TRAILS Study (the Netherlands, 2000–2017, N = 2,229) according to concurrent educational level.
The association between baseline characteristics (wave 1) and educational level and alcohol use at wave 2 in the TRAILS Study (the Netherlands, 2000–2017, N = 2,229) in the multiva...
CONSORT 2010 checklist of information to include when reporting a randomised trial.
Cost-effectiveness planes of the sensitivity analyses.
Flowchart of study participants.
Cost-effectiveness plane reflecting the probability that blended ACT is cost-effective compared to CBT in terms of treatment responders.
Cost-effectiveness plane reflecting the probability that blended ACT is cost-effective compared to CBT in terms of QALYs (cost-utility).