Optical and biogeochemical properties of Belgian inland and coastal waters ... : الخصائص البصرية والكيميائية الحيوية للمياه الداخلية والساحلية البلجيكية ......
Les défis actuels en cancérologie dans la région de Bruxelles-capitale : une étude qualitative.
Table_1_Predicting COVID-19 progression in hospitalized patients in Belgium from a multi-state model.pdf
Comment je préviens.les cancers cutanés: entre information et syndrome "telly belly". ; How I prevent.skin cancers: from information to the telly-belly syndrome.
Table_1_Stimulus material selection for the Dutch famous faces test for older adults.docx
Corg content and planktonic foraminifera of sediment core NIOP-C2_497-1
Freie Bildungsmedien (OER). Dossier: Offene Bildungsressourcen / Open Educational Resources – Handlungsfelder, Akteure, Entwicklungsoptionen in internationaler Perspektive (Stand:...
"Schulautonomie". Auswahlbibliographie 1989-1996
(Table 2) Bulk organic geochemical data of SPM collected in the Tagus River basin
(Table 3) Concentrations of GDGTs and brGDGT-based indices for each sample set along the Tagus transect