Supporting learning situations connecting formal and informal learning in Smart Learning Environments ; EC-TEL 2019: Doctoral Consortium ; European Conference on Technology Enhance...
The action of the bishop d. Pedro da Silva de Sampaio during the Dutch wars in Brazil (1634-1649) ; Petrus episcopus: a ação do bispo d. Pedro da Silva de Sampaio durante as guerra...
Organized class struggle against the financialization of housing in Spain: the case of the PAHC Sabadell
Interaction between stakeholders and levels of governance in Green Infrastructure plans: Lessons learnt from two strategic planning processes in Galicia and The Netherlands. ...
A Jornada dos Vassalos, por D. Jerônimo de Ataíde em 1625
A palavra e o império: a arte da lingua brasilica e a conquista do Maranhão ; The word and the empire: the arte da lingua brasilica and the conquest of Maranhão
The New Spartakists. The thought of Rosa Luxemburg to understand the Global Movement
Forage quality in a neotropical savanna based on different types of fertilization ; Calidad del forraje en una sabana neotropical basada en diferentes tipos de fertilización
Las vías de responsabilidad de las empresas multinacionales por daños ambientales. El caso Dutch Shell Nigeria