Conference Report: Monitoring and Evaluation for Responsible Innovation
Contribution to the Activity Report of the Secretary-General for the period June 1997 to February 1998, Permanent Mission of the OAU in Brussels Belgium ; Contribution au rapport d...
From Warfare to Welfare – Human Security in a Southern African Context
Commerce, race, and diplomacy| Henry Shelton Sanford and the American recognition of the International Association of the Congo
Sciences du cerveau et société: un débat entre citoyens européens. Rapport wallon dans le cadre du projet Meeting of Minds
03. De Mataró a Sabadell. Artes plásticas ; Novísimos. El Espacio entre las artes
The Boarding House eatery is a fair tradition
02. Línia de Investigación: Análisis y Proyecto Territorial. Readers: Joaquín Sabaté y Carmen Mendoza ; Centralidad e identidad local en geografias hiperescalares. Las cartografías...
Review: Food Workshop in Archeon at the OpenArch conference 2013