Vplyv ekonomickej krízy na postoj holandskej Strany slobody voči Európskej únii ; Impact of the economic crisis on the position of Dutch Freedom party towards the European Union ;...
Politiques migratoires: expériences belges et défis bulgares
Rudolf Leiprecht: Alltagsrassismus. Eine Untersuchung bei Jugendlichen in Deutschland und den Niederlanden. (Interkulturelle Bildungsforschung, Bd. 9.) Münster: Waxmann 2001. 470 S...
Affective Polarization and the Populist Radical Right: Creating the Hating?
The theatre of historical sources: some methodological problems in analyzing post World War II extreme right movement in Belgium and in Hungary
Populist Disinformation: Are Citizens With Populist Attitudes Affected Most by Radical Right-Wing Disinformation?