Labour-market outcomes of older workers in the Netherlands: Measuring job prospects using the occupational age structure
Premium Differentiation in the Unemployment Insurance System and the Demand for Labor
Rigid labour compensation and flexible employment? Firm-level evidence with regard to productivity for Belgium
Educational Attainment and Neighbourhood Outcomes: Differences between Highly-Educated Natives and Non-Western Ethnic Minorities in the Netherlands
Earnings dynamics and inequality among men in Luxembourg, 1988 - 2004: Evidence from administrative data
Female Labour Supply, Flexibility of Working Hours, and Job Mobility in the Netherlands
How do firms adjust their wage bill in Belgium? A decomposition along the intensive and extensive margins
The Moderating Effect of Higher Education on Intergenerational Spatial Inequality
Emigration to the Kingdom of the Netherlands as a Perceived Opportunity by Young People
The spatial–temporal dynamics in job accessibility by car in the Netherlands during the crisis