Long-Term Developments in Criminal Justice Arrangements and Criminality in the Northern Netherlands European or Dutch Perspective?
Magistrature et organisation judiciaire d’un État en gestation : la Belgique de 1795 à 1830
Les nominations judiciaires en Belgique en 1832
State Formation and Criminal Justice in Early Modern Europe: How Exceptional was the Dutch Model?
Integration and Unification of the Dutch Penal System. Some Historical Remarks
Acculturation juridique et langue de procédure étrangère. L’infiltration ou introduction du français dans les tribunaux, en Flandre, en Wallonie et en France
Multi-criteria decision analysis of a proactive person-centred integrated primary care program care for frail elderly in the Netherlands: U-PROFIT
Steps Towards an Optimal Building-Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV) Value Chain in the Netherlands, Sustainability in Energy and Buildings
Religion and integration: does immigrant generation matter?: the case of Moroccan and Turkish immigrants in the Netherlands
The Role of Bridging Social Networks in Refugee Settlement: The Case of Exile Communities from the former Yugoslavia in Italy and the Netherlands