Bosvitaliteit in 2009:waakzaamheid blijft nodig
Bosgezondheid in Vlaanderen:bosvitaliteitsinventaris, meetnet intensieve monitoring bosecosystemen en meetstation luchtverontreiniging: resultaten 2010-2011
Underwater sound emissions and effects of the pile driving of the OWEZ windfarm facility near Egmond aan Zee (Tconstruct)
Did the pile driving during the construction of the Offshore Wind Farm Egmond aan Zee, the Netherlands, impact porpoises?
Residential exposure to agricultural pollutants: The use of administrative data to explore the health of the Dutch rural population
Intensieve monitoring
Bosgezondheid in Vlaanderen: bosvitaliteitsinventaris, meetnet intensieve monitoring bosecosystemen en meetstation luchtverontreiniging: resultaten 2006
Sediment transport, light and algal growth in the Markermeer : a two-dimensional water quality model for a shallow lake
Increasing dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and nitrogen (DON) levels in temperate forests under acidification recovery in Flanders, Belgium