risicorapportering door belgische beursgenoteerde bedrijven
Voluntary non-financial disclosure practices by Belgian listed firms and their relevance from an analysts' point of view
Comparing the stigma experiences and comfort with disclosure in Dutch and English populations of people living with dementia
Ondernemerschap in de rechtspleging: Over de kansen van een Netherlands Commercial Court ; Entrepeneurship in litigation: The chances of a Netherlands Commercial Court
Practices and opinions about disclosure of the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease to patients with MCI or dementia: a survey among Belgian medical experts in the field of dementia.
Perceptions of financial analysts on risk, risk management and internal control disclosure: evidence from Belgium and Italy
Disclosure in Online vs. Face-to-Face Occupational Health Screenings: A Cross-Sectional Study in Belgian Hospital Employees
La sanction de l’obligation légale d’information en droit des contrats de consommation : étude de droit français et luxembourgeois ; The Sanction of the Legal Duty of Disclosure in...
Financial disclosure and stock price volatility: evidence from Portugal and Belgium
To share or not to share : an explorative study of health information non-sharing behaviour among Flemish adults aged fifty and over