Density effects on reproduction in natural populations of the staghorn damsel, Amblyglyphidodon curacao.
Day 1, Panel 2 Post-Magical Realist Worlds II, Panel Chair: Agata Mergler ; “Decolonizing Disaster in Alexis Wright’s Carpentaria”, “Becoming Liminal: Abjection and the Nonhuman Ot...
Dynamics of Belgian Plurinational Federalism: A Small State Under Pressure
L'unité du concept de personnalité morale en droit privé comparé: Allemagne, Angleterre, Belgique, Etats-Unis, France, Italie, Pays-Bas et Suisse
Extending Hawkins’ comparative typology: Case, word order, and verb agreement in the Germanic languages
Globalisation of the National Judiciary and the Dutch Constitution
Which place for individual rights and public liberties ? : the debates of abortion and euthanasia in France and Belgium ; Quelle place pour les droits individuels et les libertés p...
Verschillen in uitgaven aan langdurige zorg tussen Nederland, Denemarken en Zweden:Feiten en verklaringen ; Differences in expenditures on long-term care between The Netherland, De...
Studiën over de nederlandsche en engelsche taal en letterkunde en haar wederzijdschen invloed.
Taxpayers rights:The Dutch and the German approach of implementing the Authorized OECD Approach compared