Friesland meres and through the Netherlands : the voyage of a family in a Norfolk wherry.
Yachts Divers a, yacht de l'amiraute hollandaise (1670); b, yacht souverain Osborne (1871); c, yacht souverain Victoria and Albert (1900); d, yachts a voiles; e, yacht a vapeur; g,...
Cruises in small yachts and big canoes; or, Notes from the "Watersnake," in Holland and on the south coast, the logs of the "Water Rat" and "Viper," on the Thames and south coast,...
Les régates internationales d'Ostende
Resor Ekologis di Titik Nol Indonesia
Cambio de bandera belga a española para embarcación de recreo de 43 pies ; Flagging from belgian to spanish for 43-foot sailing yacht
Indonesian Marine Tourism: Developing a Favorable Tourism Destination to Attract International Sailing Boats