Comprehensive bee pathogen screening in Belgium reveals Crithidia mellificae as a new contributory factor to winter mortality
Vertical transmission of honey bee viruses in a Belgian queen breeding program
Politiques migratoires: expériences belges et défis bulgares
R. Bohlin, De Osynliga. Det Europas fattiga arbetarklass; M. Linton, De hatade. Om radikalhögerns måltavlor; B. Elmbrant, Europas stålbad. Krisen som slukar välfärden och skakar eu...
Explaining prejudicial attitudes and bias-motivated aggression in Belgium : a comparison of individual-level theoretical models
'Sorry for Congo, let’s make amends' : Belgians’ ideological worldviews predict attitudes towards apology and reparation for its colonial past
Rudolf Leiprecht: Alltagsrassismus. Eine Untersuchung bei Jugendlichen in Deutschland und den Niederlanden. (Interkulturelle Bildungsforschung, Bd. 9.) Münster: Waxmann 2001. 470 S...
Nationwide screening for bee viruses and parasites in Belgian honey bees
L’idole brisée : la droite belge francophone et la crise morale de la France (1934-1938) ; The broken idol: the Belgian French-speaking right wing and the moral crisis in France (1...
Les religions abrahamites dans le discours du Front National dans le contexte d’extrêmes droites populistes européennes