The adaptiveness of Dutch water law put to the test: dealing with water scarcity in a water-rich country
Interview article: water movements’ defense of the right to water. From the European arena to the Dutch exception
OECD water governance principles on the local scale–an exploration in Dutch water management
Community-based Initiatives in the Dutch water domain – the challenge of double helix alignment
Water Managers' Boundary Judgments and Adaptive Water Governance. An Analysis of the Dutch Haringvliet Sluices Case
Optimization of Water Network Topology and Pipe Sizing to Aid Water Utilities in Deciding on a Design Philosophy: A Real Case Study in Belgium
Opmaak van laagwaterstrategieën: invloed van klimaatveranderingen op de afvoeren in de Vlaamse rivieren
Overzicht laagwaterseizoen 2009
Modelling the phosphate concentration in a shallow lake, with special emphasis on the effects of sediment-water exchange
Phosphorus dynamics in the sediment of a eutrophic lake