Narratieve vaardigheden van successief meertalige Arabisch-Nederlandse kinderen in vergelijking met eentalige kinderen : een pilootstudie
Dutch language development in Turkish-Dutch bilingual children compared to monolingual children
Dutch evalutation of ability to sing easily (ease) : a pilot study
De prevalentie van Vocal Tract Discomfort binnen de Vlaamse populatie : een prospectieve studie van gezonde 65-plussers
Expressive and receptive language skills in six year old sequential bilingual Turkish-Dutch children compared to monolingual Dutch children in Flanders
Storytelling among multilingual successive Arabic-Dutch children : a comparison with monolingual Dutch children
Bachelor and Master of Science in Logopaedic and Audiological Sciences : main subject audiology at Ghent University (Belgium)
De cirkel van interprofessioneel leren tussen tandartsen, orthodontisten en logopedisten in Vlaanderen
Effect of a group-based narrative language training in typically developing Turkish-Dutch children
Speech Outcome regarding Overall Intelligibility, Articulation, Resonance and Voice in Flemish Children a Year after Pharyngeal Flap Surgery