Pendular migration of older adults: misconceptions and nuances
The position of the Turkish and Moroccan second generation in Amsterdam and Rotterdam: the TIES study in the Netherlands
The Ottoman “Interregnum” in 1402–1413: The International Aspect ; Османское междуцарствие 1402–1413 гг.: международно-политический аспект...
Popüler roman ve estetik roman kavramları açısından Esat Mahmut Karakurt ile Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar'ın romanları üzerine mukayeseli bir çalışma / Şaban Sağlık; Danışman Mustafa Özbal...
Pendular migration of the older first generations in Europe: Misconceptions and Nuances
Storja ta'.(2) : programs 1-17 ; Prog 1 : L-istorja taz-ziemel Isard du Pont - Dr Kenneth Vella ; Prog 2 : Storja tac-Cimiterju ta' Braxia - Prof Conrad Thake ; Prog 3 : Kikku u Si...
Mart 2002 - Işık Üniversitesi TV Görüntüleri
Segregation or Assimilation: Dutch Government Research on Ethnic Minorities in Dutch Cities and its American Frames of Reference
Vie associative et participation politique des personnes issues de l'immigration: le cas des populations d'origine marocaine, turque et congolaise à Bruxelles ; Associational life...
Ethnic retention and host culture adoption among Turkish immigrants in Germany, France and the Netherlands: a controlled comparison