Benchtop µXRF as a tool for speleothem trace elemental analysis: validation, limitations and application on an Eemian to early Weichselian (125-97 ka) stalagmite from Belgium. ...
Supplement to: Benchtop µXRF as a tool for speleothem trace elemental analysis: validation, limitations and application on an Eemian to early Weichselian (125-97 ka) stalagmite fro...
Cartographie des concentrations de fond en éléments traces dans les sols de Wallonie (Belgique)
Benchtop µXRF as a tool for speleothem trace elemental analysis: validation, limitations and application on an Eemian to early Weichselian (125-97 ka) stalagmite from Belgium.
Variability of the Ionome of Wild Boar (Sus scrofa) and Red Deer (Cervus elaphus) in a Dutch National Park, with Implications for Biomonitoring
Trace element distribution and implications in sediments across the Allerød-Younger Dryas boundary in the Netherlands and Belgium
Geochemistry and origin of Carboniferous (Mississippian; Viséan) bentonites in the Namur-Dinant Basin, Belgium: evidence for a Variscan volcanic source
Tracers of physical and biogeochemical processes, past changes and ongoing anthropogenic impacts: The 43rd International Liege Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics, Liege, Belgium, May 2–6...
Environmental Geochemistry of Potentially Toxic elements in thermal springs in the Sabalan Volcanic Field, NW Iran