(Table 1) Composition and relative retention times of the dominant steryl alkyl ethers in sediment core MD03-2607
La Hongrie et les Pays Bas méridionaux durant la guerre de Succession d'Espagne : les ambitions de la diplomatie française ; The Southern Netherlands and Hungary during the War of...
NT rail link: green light for US giant
Michiel Coxcie ; Studien zur flämischen Malerei im Zeitalter der Konfessionalisierung ; Studies on Flemish painting in the age of confessionalization
Hydrodynamic variability in the Southern Bight of the North Sea in response to typical atmospheric and tidal regimes. Benefit of using a high resolution model
Optical detection of harmful algal blooms in the Belgian coastal zone : a cautionary tale of chlorophyll c(3)
Quelle « méthode » pour enseigner le français aux jeunes filles flamandes dans les Pays-Bas autrichiens ? Les choix de l’abbé Taffin dans sa Grammaire française de 1727
The demersal fish and macro-invertebrate assemblages of the Westerschelde and Oosterschelde estuaries (Southern Bight of the North Sea) = De demersale vis- en macro-invertebraten g...
SADCC Summit, Gaborone, Botswana, 19–23 July 1982 : SADCC Summit (22 July 1982) : Annexure : Hand written notes
Typologie des chênaies de la Région wallonne ; A typology for Oak stands of the Walloon Region