Modelling time change in survey response rates: A Bayesian approach with an application to the Dutch Health Survey
Burden of salmonellosis, campylobacteriosis and listeriosis: a time series analysis, Belgium, 2012 to 2020
‘Our People’ Telemovies, bangsa and nationalism 3.0 in Sabah, Malaysia
How age matters:Exploring contemporary Dutch debates on age and sex work
The series, a tool for the promotion and demarginalization of spaces? The case of Wallonia ; La série, outil de promotion et de démarginalisation des espaces ? Le cas de la Walloni...
Analyzing Air Pollution and Traffic Data in Urban Areas in Luxembourg
Periodically integrated subset autoregressions for Dutch industrial production and money stock
'Haal de vroedvrouw!' : over medische vaktermen in het audiovisueel vertalen. Een vergelijkende analyse naar aanleiding van de Nederlandse en Poolse vertaling van de Britse tv-seri...
Prediction of Changes in Seafloor Depths Based on Time Series of Bathymetry Observations: Dutch North Sea Case
Forecasting Belgian and Norwegian CPI Inflation with Commodity Indexes