Portrait of a Man (Self-portrait?)
Banquet of the Officers of the St. George Civic Guard: Detail of central figures
Artist as Zeuxis
Jean Pellicorne with his son Caspar
Susanna van Collen, wife of Jean Pellicorne with her daughter Anna
René Van Lennep (Hollandais) et sa femme, née Gertrude Holmgren (Pacific) : [photographie de presse] / [Agence Rol]
La Reine Hortense / Girodet pinx.t ; Laugier sculp.t
Rubens and Isabella Brant in the Honeysuckle Bower: Detail
Rubens and Isabella Brant in the Honeysuckle Bower
[Maurice] Theis, [Philippe] Quersin [aéronautes belges] : [photographie de presse] / [Agence Rol]