Oorlogswinst:Totstandkoming en voortleven van maatregelen uit de bezettingstijd ; War Profit:The coming into being and living on of occupation measures
Height, occupation, and intergenerational mobility: an instrumental variable analysis of Dutch men, birth years 1850-1900
Relationship between consistency and differentiation J.L. Holland's vocational personality patterns and the intensity of particular psychological features measures ; Spójność i zró...
Occupational medicine in The Netherlands
Burnout among Dutch general practitioners ...
De bestrijding van het gevaar voor loodvergiftiging in de Nederlandsche diamantindustrie.
Pour la défense du droit international. I, Les premières violations du droit des gens par l'Allemagne : Luxembourg et Belgique / par Louis Renault,.
Occupational exposure of healthcare and research staff to static magnetic stray fields from 1.5-7 Tesla MRI scanners is associated with reporting of transient symptoms.
Timothy Holland Maryboro saw his grandmother make linen in his own home 50 years ago. ...