This Supporting Information document (S1) contains additional modelling results not shown in the main manuscript and covers a series of sensitivity analyses to support our experime...
We consider that an individual goes through different phases of infection/disease, which is represented by a SEIR-like state machine.
Trends (average and standard deviations) for all combinations of parameters 〈 k , T d 〉, for FNR PCR = 0.1.
Distribution of the number of infections for the experiments when the lock-down ends on the first of July, in different scenarios of compliance for testing and isolation.
Trends for different leisure contact reductions, when performing weekly universal testing.
Trends for different leisure contact reductions, when performing weekly universal testing, and importing 10 cases per day.
Trends for different leisure contact reductions, when performing weekly universal testing, and importing 50 cases per day.
Distribution of the number of infections for the experiments when the lock-down restrictions are continued.
Population size per household size and number of households per size: Belgian 2011 census and model population.
Disease characteristics and references.