Models of passive margin inversion: implications for the Rhenohercynian fold-and-thrust belt, Belgium and Germany
On the temperature sensitivity of near-surface seismic wave speeds: application to the Groningen region, the Netherlands
Wave climate for inland vessels between Zeebrugge and the mouth of the Western Scheldt: estimation by the Belgian coast model in SWAN
Effectiveness of Nature-Based Solutions on Pluvial Flood Hazard Mitigation: The Case Study of the City of Eindhoven (The Netherlands)
Hydrodynamical and Hydrochemical Assessment of Pumped-Storage Hydropower (PSH) Using an Open Pit: The Case of Obourg Chalk Quarry in Belgium
Berekeningen in verband met de stormvloedbeheersing in het Scheldebekken
Berekeningen stormvloedbeheersing in het Scheldebekken
Nautical bottom sediment research: Sub report 11. Cohesive sediments dimensional analysis
Numerieke modellering als beleidsondersteunende instrumenten
Numerieke golfvoortplanting in diep en ondiep water