Beyond the sum : evaluating the potential and limitations of analysing Neolithic population dynamics based on fluctuations in radiocarbon dates and sites (Scheldt basin, Northern F...
Beyond the sum: Evaluating the potential and limitations of analysing Neolithic population dynamics based on fluctuations in radiocarbon dates and sites (Scheldt basin, Northern Fr...
Excavations of Prehistoric Flint Mines at Rijckholt-St. Geertruid (Limburg, The Netherlands) by the 'Prehistoric Flint Mines Working Group' of the Dutch Geological Society, Limburg...
The emergence of agriculture on the Drenthe Plateau: A palaeobotanical study supported by high-resolution 14C dating
Neolithische und bronzezeitliche Pflugspuren in Norddeutschland und den Niederlanden