The specialisation of lithic production at the end of the Early Neolithic in Belgium: the case of the Blicquian population from Hainaut
Review: Food Workshop in Archeon at the OpenArch conference 2013
Pour une géographie historique du bouton de culotte
Conference: Reaching Visitors Through Dialogue, Play and Experimental Archaeology. OpenArch Congress Archeon
Neolithische und bronzezeitliche Pflugspuren in Norddeutschland und den Niederlanden
VAEE Celebrates 20 Years
Archaeological Open-Air Museums in the Netherlands, a Bit of History
Conference Review: the EAA 2017 in Maastricht (NL)
Book Review: Experimentelle Archäologie in Europa, Jahrbuch 2019
Putting on a Show - The How and Why of Historical Shows and Theatre in a Historical Setting or Theme-park