New Utrecht: unidentified large Dutch-style house, undated.
New Utrecht: New Utrecht Reformed Dutch Church, [18th Avenue opposite 84th Street, 1922.]
New Utrecht: St. John's Lutheran Church [and Dutch churchyard, 84th Street to 85th Street east of 16th Avenue, 1922.]
Pearson Street Books Vol 1 Page 69A
Fashion Matters: The ‘Glocal’ Mix of Dutch Fashion
A Brief history of the little Dutch church (St. George's), 1754 [electronic resource] : souvenir.
Combats d'idéologies dans l'architecture de la Belle Epoque
Producción y mercadeo del clavel en la sabana de Bogotá
Determinación de la duración del periodo de protección serológica contra la rabia en caninos de criaderos en la Sabana de Bogotá
Why did the Netherlands develop so early? The legacy of the Brethren of the Common Life