Anthropogenic influences on deforestation of a peat swamp forest in Northern Borneo using remote sensing and GIS
Assessment of immediate and five-year earthquake impacts on river systems in sabah, Malaysia using multi-temporal satellite imageries
Carbon Stock and Sequestration Potential of an Agroforestry System in Sabah, Malaysia
Assessment of anthropogenic disturbances on mangrove aboveground biomass in Malaysian Borneo using airborne LiDAR data
Soils Carbon Stocks and Litterfall Fluxes from the Bornean Tropical Montane Forests, Sabah, Malaysia
Estimating Logged-Over Lowland Rainforest Aboveground Biomass in Sabah, Malaysia Using Airborne LiDAR Data ... : تقدير الكتلة الحيوية للغابات المطيرة في الأراضي المنخفضة فوق سطح ال...