Efecto del boom minero-exportador sobre el empleo en Colombia entre 2005-2014 ; Effect of the miner-exporter boom on employment in colombia between 2005-2014
Finding Dutch natives in online forums
Innovators of the Past: Modelling Novelty and Resonance in Dutch Historical Language Records ...
Conflicts in the territorial ordering of the Bogotá savanna. Case Mining vs. Bogotá river decontamination (Colombia) ; Conflictos en el ordenamiento territorial de la sabana de Bog...
Meiofauna counts from multi corer samples from a disturbance experiment in the Belgian License area during Island Pride cruise IP21, Clarion-Clipperton zone
Foxburg-08-LF ; Foxburg- 8 ; Lower Freeport
Foxburg-08-UF ; Foxburg- 8 ; Upper Freeport
Excavations of Prehistoric Flint Mines at Rijckholt-St. Geertruid (Limburg, The Netherlands) by the 'Prehistoric Flint Mines Working Group' of the Dutch Geological Society, Limburg...
Gebruik en beleving van jonge bossen in Zuid-Holland : meningen van bestuurders, beheerders, ontwerpers en gebruikers
"Du musst aus deiner Gegend alles holen." Gast Rollinger, Filmemacher und 'Maler' heroischer Landschaften ; "You have to get everything out of your region." Gast Rollinger, filmmak...