Cultural participation in later life among older-aged immigrants in the Czech Republic
Sprach- und Integrationskurse für MigrantInnen: Erkenntnisse über ihre Wirkungen aus den Niederlanden, Schweden und Deutschland
Attitudes toward Abortion for Medical and Non-medical Reasons among the Turkish Second Generation in Europe - The Role of the Family and Societal Contexts
Being Accommodated, Well Then? ‘Scalar Narratives’ on Urban Transformation and Asylum Seekers’ Integration in Mid-Sized Cities
Unpacking attitudes on immigrants and refugees: a focus on household composition and news media consumption
Tradeoffs between equality and difference: immigrant integration, multiculturalism, and the welfare state in cross-national perspective
Clustering and dispersal of siblings in the North-Holland countryside, 1850-1940
Ethnic retention and host culture adoption among Turkish immigrants in Germany, France and the Netherlands: a controlled comparison
The family in question: immigrant and ethnic minorities in multicultural Europe
Building a new life and (re)making a family: Young Syrian refugee women in the Netherlands navigating between family and career