"Pennsylvania Dutch" and other essays
Dutchified English in an Ohio Beachy Amish-Mennonite Community
Remains of the Dutch colonization as an element of historical green infrastructure in cultural landscape of central and north part of Mazovia - Pozostałości osadnictwa holenderskie...
Humanitarian Aid of the Red Cross and Other Public Organizations of the Netherlands To Soviet Russia During the Famine of 1921–1923
Itinerant Anabaptist bishops from the Lower Rhine in the 1540s and 1550s:contributors and dissidents of the post-Münsterite ‘Mennonite tradition’ in the Netherlands and North-Germa...
Rein Willinks hulpexpeditie naar Molotsjna:Nederlandse doopsgezinden, mennonitische ‘burgers van Hollandse komaf’ en bolsjewieken in Oekraïne tussen 1920 en 1938 ; Rein Willink’s R...
Heretics and Martyrs: Picturing Early Anabaptism in Visual Culture of the Dutch Republic