Life cycle assessment and environmental valuation of biochar production: Two case studies in Belgium
Soil biological, chemical and physical parameters and herbage yield in a field experiment with organic and inorganic fertilizers on peat grassland in the Netherlands
A MAS model for optimizing the spatial aspects of livestock production and manure abatement
A farm level analysis of the relation between cap-reforms and local environmental legislations: how and in which extent Flemish dairy farmers can fill up extra milk quota
The Flemish manure policy as a case of economic management of ecological problems
Effect of organic and mineral fertilizers on soil P and C levels, crop yield and P leaching in a long term trial on a silt loam soil
Baromfitrágya alapú komposzt szuszpenzió hatásának vizsgálata káposzta (Brassica oleracea L. convar. capitata provar. capitata Dutch) tesztnövénnyel
Ruimtelijk beeld van de fosfaatverzadiging in mestoverschotgebieden
Evolution du profil en azote des sols agricoles du sud de la Belgique.
Plant nutrition : physiology and applications : proceedings of the eleventh international plant nutrition colloquium, 30 July - 4 August 1989, Wageningen, The Netherlands