Educational assortative mating as a determinant of changing household income inequality : a 21-country study
Educational assortative mating as a determinant of changing household income inequality : a 22-country study
Pobreza infantil en veinticinco países industrializados: datos y evidencias desde el Luxembourg Income Study
Economics Conditions of Young Adults Before and After the Great Recession
Economic conditions of young adults before and after the Great Recession
Consumption taxes and income inequality: An international perspective with microsimulation
Who did safety nets catch during the Great Recession and how? A comparison of eleven OECD countries
What determines social service workers’ wages: A cross-country analysis using a Luxembourg Income Study
Paying 'Til it Hurts: High Medical Spending among the Poor and Elderly in Ten Developed Countries
Consumption Taxes and Income InequalityAn International Perspective with Microsimulation ; Consumption Taxes and Income InequalityAn International Perspective with Microsimulation:...