A Study of Standardized Resident Standardization Training with StatianEducation on the Treatment Ability of Physician-patient Relationship
[Ressenya] Xavier Tubau Erasmo mediador: política y religión en los primeros años de la Reforma Valladolid, Universidad de Valladolid, 2013, 138 p. [Literatura. Fastiginia, 8.] ISB...
Uzroci uspona nizozemske istočnoindijske kompanije ; The Causes of the Rise of the Dutch East India Company
El existencialismo en la novela El túnel de Ernesto Sábato
Revolucija i Rosa Luxemburg ; Revolution and Rosa Luxemburg
Female Protagonists Across the Centuries: Moll Flanders, Tess of the d’Urbervilles and Sarah Miles ; Protagonistkinje kroz stoljeća: Moll Flanders, Tess of the d’Urbervilles and Sa...
Salomon Perels Autobiographie "Ich war Hitlerjunge Salomon" und Agnieszka Hollands Film "Hitlerjunge Salomon". Parallelen und Divergenzen ; Autobiografija Salomona Perela "Ich war...
Borges i Sabato: relacije i distinkcije u književnosti ; Borges and Sabato: relations and distinctions in literature
Sabaf: moving to a learning environment
Glasovna adaptacija nizozemskih i flamanskih imena u hrvatskome jeziku ; Phonetical adaptation of Dutch and Flemish names in Croatian