1062 Problematic drinking behaviour among belgian workers: prevalence, health and job related consequences
Alcohol and other drug use among Belgian workers and job-related consequences
The mental wellbeing of Belgian workers during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic
Identifying pain profiles in employees including work-related factors and pain perceptions: a cross-sectional study in Belgian companies
The Impact of Telework on Mental Health during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Four-Wave Cohort Study among Belgian Workers in the First Wave
247 The effects of occupation on the evolution of bmi in a belgian employee population
483 A snapshot of 3887 belgian employee’s work-ability: a comparison between age groups
Commuting and sick leave: a retrospective longitudinal study among a Belgian military population
Trends in lifestyle-related health indicators among Belgian workers
Visienota voor de toekomst van de arbeidsgeneeskunde in België ; Note de vision pour l'avenir de la médecine du travail en Belgique