The Fate of the Eighteenth Century Bastard: Illegitimacy and Determinism in Moll Flanders
"Ein großer Vorsprung gegenüber Deutschland". Die niederländischen Architekten auf der Bauhausausstellung von 1923 in Weimar
Story telling through fine art:Public histories of childhood and education in exhibitions in the Netherlands and Belgium C. 1980 - C. 2020
Bibliographic effort for Dr. Sabah Nuri Almrzuk الجهد البيبلوغرافي عند الدكتور صباح نوري المرزوك
Patrimonialiser un héritage controversé : la ville de Sabaudia dans les marais Pontins
Pictori basarabeni în Belgia și acasă
Berlin Fashion News. Belgium + Berlin = Return To Creativity
Stucco-ceilings with moulded ornaments in the Netherlands. The development of and influences from abroad on the 19th Dutch practise
A Freeport Comes to Luxembourg, or, Why Those Wishing to Hide Assets Purchase Fine Art
Admirer en fermant les yeux : la réception critique de l’œuvre de F. Holland Day à Paris en 1901