Care regimes on the move: Comparing home care for dependent older people in Belgium, England, Germany and Italy
Care as a Social Construct: The Case of Home Care Workers in Contemporary Belgium
Repenser la défamilialisation à l’ère de la circulation transnationale du care
Innovation sociale et genre : le cas des services de gardes-malades en Wallonie
How local stakeholders' social representations shape the future of ageing in place: Insights from 'health and care social innovations' in Wallonia (Belgium).
The Belgian and German care regimes in a context of deep transformation What possible roles for social enterprise ?
Employment within a socially innovative organization as a source of job satisfaction and well-being at work? Insights from social enterprises in the elderly home care in Wallonia
La gestion du vieillissement en Wallonie aux horizons 2025-2045 : enjeux et prospective
Social Enterprise in Belgium: A Diversity of Roots, Models and Fields