Epistemics and the functions of declarative questions in Dutch talk-in-interaction
The convention of the United Nations on the rights of the child : texts documents
Promovarea sănătăţii la locul de muncă: repere europene
A Recipe for Cream of Science: Special Content Recruitment for Dutch Institutional Repositories
International law and practice : with appendices containing Hague conventions of 1907, Declaration of London, 1909 (with Drafting committee's report) and materials concerning branc...
Practice of euthanasia in Belgium as an fruit of social and civil changes ; Praktyka eutanazji w belgii jako owoc przemian społeczno-obyczajowych
Étude sociolinguistique sur les pratiques linguistiques au sein de familles plurilingues vivant au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg ; Sociolinguistic study of language practices within mu...
Collection formée par Nicolas DELAMARE sur l'administration et la police de Paris et de la France. CLXIX-CLXXI Affaires d'État. CLXIX.
Betriebliche Gesundheitsförderung im Krankenhaus aus der Perspektive des Gesundheits- und Krankenpflegepersonals ; Workplace health promotion in the hospital from the nursing persp...
Guarantees of Human Rights and the Importance of Public Communication in Modern Society