A short relation of the departure of the high and mightie Prince Frederick King Elect of Bohemia: with his royall & vertuous Ladie Elizabeth; and the thryse hopefull yong Princ...
Josef Shusta as a Czech History Researcher of the Last Przemyslovych Reign (mid-13th – early 14th century) ...
Josef Shusta as a Czech History Researcher of the Last Przemyslovych Reign (mid-13th – early 14th century)
Taxflace, její příčiny a projevy ve vybraných zemích ; Taxflation, Its Causes and Manifestation in Selected Countries
The out-of-pocket burden of chronic diseases: the cases of Belgian, Czech and German older adults
Europe: Showing the locations of various carved wooden altars, museums and landmarks
Central bank independence in another eleven countries ...
Analýza systémů vysokoškolského vzdělávání v Belgii a Finsku včetně doporučení pro Českou republiku ; The Analysis of Higher Education Systems in Belgium and Finland and Recommenda...
Individualism and self-reliance of Generations Y and Z and their impact on working environment: An empirical study across 5 European countries ; Individualismus a soběstačnost gene...
Politika legalizace marihuany v komparativní perspektivě ; The Politics of Marijuana Legalisation in a Comparative Perspective