Tackling physical inequalities and increasing pupils’ motivation in PE: An overview of the Belgian implementation of the Oblomov method
Domaine de l’éducation physique et à la santé : influence québécoise chez les cousins belges francophones ; Domain of physical and health education: Quebec influence among French-s...
L’enseignement de l’éducation physique en Communauté française de Belgique
L’enseignement de l’éducation physique en Belgique francophone : une lente transition vers la littératie physique et un ancrage sociétal ; Teaching of physical education in Walloni...
Reforming the educational system: An opportunity to promote good practices focusing on physical activity, well-being, and health ; Belgique
Place et rôle de l´éducateur physique dans la société contemporaine
Didactics concepts used in physical education and sports in Belgium (Wallonia-Brussels Federation)
High School Sport in Belgium (Wallonia)
Involvement of the community in physical activity promotion. Analysis of the Wallonian context
Policy, lived experience and research on career-long professional preparation for PE teachers in Wallonia