A true copie of a letter of speciall consequence from Rotetrdam [sic] in Holland subscribed by severall credible hands; and sent to a citizen of good note in London; being very con...
26th Anniversary, Reunion. 117th N.Y. Vol. Association. Holland Patent, N.Y., Aug. 22-23, '88 ; Twenty-sixth Anniversary, Reunion. 117th New York Volunteers Association, Holland Pa...
117th N.Y.V., Ladies' Badge, Holland Patent, 1903 ; 117th New York Volunteers, Ladies' Badge, Holland Patent, 1903
Wahre Freiheit: Die Niederlande zwischen Bürgerbeteiligung und Poplulismus. ... : Vortrag, 22. Mai und 20. Juni 2024. Deutsche Fassung / Nederlandse versie ...
Belgium's International Reputation in the History of Concrete: Blaton, Christophe, Franki, Hennebique, Magnel and Others
Modeling household car ownership in Belgium
Comment les législateurs et les juridictions pénales se positionnement ils/elles par rapport aux actions collectives en Belgique et ailleurs en Europe ?
Imaginary places, real territories ... : Territorial imagery and the creation of a Dutch identity (1579-1702) ...
Implantación del carril bici entre Terrassa y Sabadell
6. Julii; 1644. A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, declaring John Webster, Theophilus Bainham, Edward Manning, Richard Ford and James Yard, merchants,...