Odds ratio (OR) and the 95% confidence interval (95% CI) for different variables with smoking (multiple imputation).
The prevalence of CKD and time to diagnosis, according to the CKD stage.
The prevalence of CKD according to the age groups.
Bidirectional associations between educational level and alcohol use in the TRAILS Study (the Netherlands, 2000–2017, N = 2,229); sequentially adjusted linear regression coefficien...
Bidirectional associations between educational level and alcohol use in the TRAILS Study (the Netherlands, 2000–2017, N = 2,229); linear regression coefficients (stdyx-standardized...
Bidirectional associations between educational level and alcohol use in the TRAILS Study (the Netherlands, 2000–2017, N = 2,229); regression coefficients (stdyx-standardized ß-coef...
Attrition analysis–characteristics of young adults remaining in the TRAILS Study (the Netherlands, 2000–2017, N = 2,229) at wave 6, compared to participants who had dropped out of...
Characteristics of participants with classifiable educational level compared to those with missing/unclassifiable educational level from wave 2 to wave 6 in the TRAILS Study (the N...
The association between baseline characteristics (wave 1) and alcohol use and educational level from wave 2 to wave 6 in the TRAILS Study (the Netherlands, 2000–2017, N = 2,229) in...
Post-hoc analysis–the association between baseline characteristics (wave 1) and alcohol use at wave 2 in the TRAILS Study (the Netherlands, 2000–2017, N = 2,229) in the multivariat...