The Western Rebirth of ‘lagernaya literatura’
CONCEPTS “WOMAN”, “MAN”, “LOVE” IN FRENCH PROVERBS (based on the French language of France and Belgium)
The Dutch Crisis and Recovery Act: Economic Recovery and Legal Crisis?
Successful ageing in long-term care: international comparison and lesson learning
Marzia Minutelli, L’arca di Saba. «I sereni animali / che avvicinano a Dio»
Mezinárodní srovnání léčby alkoholismu v České republice, Belgii a Ugandě ; International comparison of alcohol abuse treatment in the Czech Republic, Belgium and Uganda
Différenciation pédagogique pour les élèves allophones arrivant en classe ordinaire : comparaison des pratiques enseignantes entre la France, le Luxembourg et le Québec
La audacia del Derecho (Notas prácticas sobre la protección de los consumidores en el marco del Derecho y la Jurisprudencia de la Unión Europea)
Negatie met het werkwoord hebben in het Nederlands en ha in het Zweeds : Een contrastieve corpusstudie ; Negation with the verb hebben in Dutch and ha [have] in Swedish : A contras...
Continued presence of phocine distemper virus in the Dutch Wadden Sea seal population.