A Systematic Outline for the Osseous Industries in theNorth Pontic Palaeometallic Age
Public Outreach in the Drents Museum in Assen (NL)
Manus Dei u Sabazijevom kultu ; Manus Dei in the cult of Sabazius
Cremation vs. inhumation : modeling cultural changes in funerary practices from the Mesolithic to the Middle Ages in Belgium using kernel density analysis on 14C data
Contacts of the North-West Black Sea Coast Population in the Late Bronze Age ; Контакты населения Северо-Западного Причерноморья в эпоху поздней бронзы ; Контакти населення Північн...
Review: Food Workshop in Archeon at the OpenArch conference 2013
Préparation et caractérisation d'aluminium, de fer ou de chrome, corrélation entre la composition/structure, la stabilité thermique et les propriétés acides.
Environmental and Cultural Transformations at the Turn of the Late Bronze and Early Iron Age in the Steppe Belt of Eurasia
Ceramica complexului cultural Noua-Sabatinovka-Coslogeni. Tipologie
Conference: Reaching Visitors Through Dialogue, Play and Experimental Archaeology. OpenArch Congress Archeon