Researching Chinese rural-urban relationship within Belgium’s everyday academic life: a reflection on power and intertextuality
China as seen from Belgium: how does the place of knowledge production affect research on China?
As a Chinese researcher in Belgium: Path dependence or path-breaking?
Insider, outsider or in-between? A researcher’s evolving positionality in conducting studies about Chinese rural land reform in China and Belgium
The need for a more integrated approach between human and physical geography at university-level education in the Netherlands
Geography textbooks and the reproduction of a racist and ethnocentric world view among young people in Flanders
Financialization within the contemporary economic geography of Belgium
Les structures économiques de la Belgique et leur spatialité, des Golden Sixties à aujourd’hui
La Belgique : une économie sous influence étrangère ?
Migration and commuting interactions fields: a new geography with community detection algorithm?