Stability or change of public opinion and values during the coronavirus crisis? Exploring Dutch longitudinal panel data
How Welfare States Care: Culture, Gender and Parenting in Europe
Wohlfahrtsstaatliche Reformpolitik in Verhandlungsdemokratien - Dänemark, Schweden, die Niederlande und Deutschland im Vergleich
Conflicting Experiences With Welcoming Encounters: Narratives of Newly Arrived Refugees in the Netherlands
Communications politique, scientifique et médiatique: quelles articulations entre ces différents registres dans la présentation de données statistiques?
Measuring attitudes towards immigration across countries with the ESS: potential problems of equivalence
The politics of justification: party competition and welfare-state retrenchment in Denmark and the Netherlands from 1982 to 1998
Perceptions of ethno-cultural diversity and neighborhood cohesion in three European countries
Spaces of Urban Citizenship: Two European Examples from Milan and Rotterdam
Intersectoral action to enhance the social inclusion of socially vulnerable youth through sport: an exploration of the elements of successful partnerships between youth work organi...