Athletic awards banquet administrators 1960
Information literacy in the context of Evidence-Based Medicine: teaching and learning assessment of a course intended for 4th year students in medicine at the University of Liège (...
Apprentissage de la langue et comparatisme culturel en Hollande : le métier de maître de langue (XVIIe-XIXe siècle)
Cognitive fatigue in young, middle-aged, and older: Breaks as a way to recover
Effects of reading picture books on kindergartners’ mathematics performance ...
Sibling struggle for schooling: between resource dilution and collaborative learning, the Netherlands, 1850-1920
Contribution à l'étude de la vie culturelle d'une ville de province au XIXe siècle: le cas de Mons (1795-1914); enseignement, musées, bibliothèques, théâtres; musique, beaux-arts e...
Ganztagsschule und Betreuung - neue Entwicklungen in einigen Ländern Europas ; Recent Trends in All-day Schooling and Child Care in Some European Countries