soilmap_simple: a simplified and standardized derivative of the digital soil map of the Flemish Region

The data source <code>soilmap_simple</code> is a simplified and standardized derived form of the ' digital soil map of the Flemish Region ' (the shapefile of which we named <code>soilmap</code>, for analytical workflows in R) published by 'Databank Ondergrond Vlaanderen’ (DOV). It is a GeoPackage that contains a single spatial polygon layer ‘<code>soilmap_simple</code>’ in the Belgian Lambert 72 coordinate reference system (EPSG-code 31370 ). Further documentation about the digital soil map of the Flemish Region is available in Van Ranst & Sys (2000) and... Mehr ...

Verfasser: Vanderhaeghe, Floris
De Vos, Bruno
Cools, Nathalie
Dokumenttyp: other
Erscheinungsdatum: 2020
Verlag/Hrsg.: Zenodo
Schlagwörter: soil classification / soil mapping / Flanders / Belgium
Sprache: unknown
Datenquelle: BASE; Originalkatalog
Powered By: BASE
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The data source <code>soilmap_simple</code> is a simplified and standardized derived form of the ' digital soil map of the Flemish Region ' (the shapefile of which we named <code>soilmap</code>, for analytical workflows in R) published by 'Databank Ondergrond Vlaanderen’ (DOV). It is a GeoPackage that contains a single spatial polygon layer ‘<code>soilmap_simple</code>’ in the Belgian Lambert 72 coordinate reference system (EPSG-code 31370 ). Further documentation about the digital soil map of the Flemish Region is available in Van Ranst & Sys (2000) and Dudal et al. (2005). This version of <code>soilmap_simple</code> was derived from version '<code>soilmap_2017-06-20</code>'( Zenodo DOI ) as follows: all attribute variables received English names (purpose of standardization), starting with prefix <code>bsm_</code> (referring to the 'Belgian soil map'); attribute variables were reordered; the values of the morphogenetic substrate, texture and drainage variables (<code>bsm_mo_substr</code>, <code>bsm_mo_tex</code> and <code>bsm_mo_drain</code> + their <code>_explan</code> counterparts) were filled for mostfeatures in the 'coastal plain' area. To derive morphogenetic texture and drainage levels from the geomorphological soil types, a conversion table by Bruno De Vos & Carole Ampe was applied (for earlier work on this, see Ampe 2013). Substrate classes were copied over from <code>bsm_ge_substr</code> into <code>bsm_mo_substr</code> (<code>bsm_ge_substr</code> already followed the categories of <code>bsm_mo_substr</code>). These steps coincide with the approach that had been taken to construct the <code>Unitype</code> variable in the <code>soilmap</code> data source; only a minimal number of variables were selected: those that are most useful for analytical work. See R-code in the GitHub repository ...