Catalogue of the valuable collection of pictures of the early English, old Italian and Flemish schools, formed by the late George Richmond, R.A. : also a selection from the works of the late George Richmond, R.A.

No price list. ; Also a selection from the works of the late George Richmond, R.A. ; Lugt, ; Date of auction: May 1, 1897. ; Place of auction: London. ; Mode of access: Internet. ; C.2 is annot.: all prices and names. C.2 is bound in: 1897 Apr.3 LoChM c.2. ; C.1 is annotated with prices and names. First item bound in: 1897 May 1 LoChR. ; Library has two copies.

Verfasser: Christie, Manson & Woods.
Dokumenttyp: Text
Erscheinungsdatum: 1897
Verlag/Hrsg.: London Christie
Manson & Woods
Schlagwörter: The late George Richmond / R.A
Sprache: Englisch
Datenquelle: BASE; Originalkatalog
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