Ethnic segregation and the housing market in two cities in northern and southern Europe: the cases of Amsterdam and Barcelona ; Segregació ètnica i mercat de l’habitatge en dues ciutats del Nord i Sud d’Europa: els casos d’Amsterdam i Barcelona ; Segregación étnica y mercado de la vivienda en dos ciudades del Norte y Sur de Europa: los casos de Amsterdam y Barcelona
Uneven urban geographies of different immigrant or ethnic groups have received ample attention across the world; however in Southern Europe the picture is as yet unclear. Most Southern European countries recently experienced a new phase in their modern history because they became net immigrant receivers after having been net ‘deliverers’ of migrants for many decades. This opens the question what direction this migration will take and what the implications for the segregation in cities will be. One of the crucial questions in that respect is what the implications will be for the functioning of... Mehr ...