Analysis of genetic variation in cut chrysanthemum response to high carbon dioxide concentration (closed greenhouse): underlying physiological and morphological parameters

Seventeen cut chrysanthemum cultivars were used to evaluate the effects of elevated CO2 concentration (1500ppm), compared to the concentration (500ppm) used in commercial chrysanthemum production in The Netherlands, on growth, development and quality aspects in an experiment conducted between February and April 2007.

Verfasser: Fanourakis, D.
Maaswinkel, R.H.M.
Heuvelink, E.
Dokumenttyp: report
Erscheinungsdatum: 2007
Verlag/Hrsg.: Wageningen UR Greenhouse Horticulture
Schlagwörter: carbon dioxide / chrysanthemum / cultivars / cut flowers / genetic variation / greenhouse horticulture / netherlands / plant development / quality / genetische variatie / glastuinbouw / kooldioxide / kwaliteit / nederland / plantenontwikkeling / snijbloemen
Sprache: Englisch
Datenquelle: BASE; Originalkatalog
Powered By: BASE
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