Is diet partly responsible for differences in COVID-19 death rates between and within countries?

peer reviewed ; Reported COVID-19 deaths in Germany are relatively low as compared to many European countries. Among the several explanations proposed, an early and large testing of the population was put forward. Most current debates on COVID-19 focus on the differences among countries, but little attention has been given to regional differences and diet. The low-death rate European countries (e.g. Austria, Baltic States, Czech Republic, Finland, Norway, Poland, Slovakia) have used different quarantine and/or confinement times and methods and none have performed as many early tests as Germany... Mehr ...

Verfasser: Bousquet, J.
Anto, J. M.
Iaccarino, G.
Czarlewski, W.
Haahtela, T.
Anto, A.
Akdis, C. A.
Blain, H.
Canonica, G. W.
Cardona, V.
Cruz, A. A.
Illario, M.
Ivancevich, J. C.
Jutel, M.
Klimek, L.
Kuna, P.
Laune, D.
Larenas-Linnemann, D.
Mullol, J.
Clinical and Experimental Respiratory Immunoallergy, Idibaps
Papadopoulos, N. G.
Pfaar, O.
Samolinski, B.
Valiulis, A.
Yorgancioglu, A.
Zuberbier, T.
Abdul Latiff, A. H.
Abdullah, B.
Aberer, W.
Abusada, N.
Adcock, I.
Afani, A.
Agache, I.
Aggelidis, X.
Agustin, J.
Akdis, C.
Akdis, M.
Al-Ahmad, M.
Al-Zahab Bassam, A.
Aldrey-Palacios, O.
Alvarez Cuesta, E.
Alzaabi, A.
Amad, S.
Ambrocio, G.
Annesi-Maesano, I.
Ansotegui, I.
Anto, J.
Arshad, H.
Artesani, M. C.
Asayag, E.
Avolio, F.
Azhari, K.
Baiardini, I.
Bajrović, N.
Bakakos, P.
Bakeyala Mongono, S.
Balotro-Torres, C.
Barba, S.
Barbara, C.
Barbosa, E.
Barreto, B.
Bartra, J.
Bateman, E. D.
Battur, L.
Bedbrook, A.
Bedolla Barajas, M.
Beghé, B.
Bel, E.
Ben Kheder, A.
Benson, M.
Berghea, C.
Bergmann, K.-C.
Bernstein, D.
Bewick, M.
Bialek, S.
Białoszewski, A.
Bieber, T.
Billo, N.
Bilo, M. B.
Bindslev-Jensen, C.
Bjermer, L.
Bochenska Marciniak, M.
Bond, C.
Boner, A.
Bonini, M.
Bonini, S.
Bosnic-Anticevich, S.
Bosse, I.
Botskariova, S.
Bouchard, J.
Boulet, L.-P.
Bourret, R.
Bousquet, P.
Braido, F.
Briggs, A.
Brightling, C.
Brozek, J.
Buhl, R.
Bumbacea, R.
Burguete Cabañas, M. T.
Bush, A.
Busse, W. W.
Buters, J.
Caballero-Fonseca, F.
Calderon, M. A.
Calvo, M.
Camargos, P.
Camuzat, T.
Cano, A.
Capriles-Hulett, A.
Caraballo, L.
Carlsen, K.-H.
Caro, J.
Carr, W.
Carreon-Asuncion, F.
Carriazo, A. M.
Casale, T.
Castor, M. A.
Castro, E.
Cecchi, L.
Cepeda Sarabia, A.
Chandrasekharan, R.
Chang, Y.-S.
Chato-Andeza, V.
Chatzi, L.
Chatzidaki, C.
Chavannes, N. H.
Chen, Yushi
Cheng, L.
Chivato, T.
Chkhartishvili, E.
Christoff, G.
Chrystyn, H.
Chu, D. K.
Chua, A.
Chuchalin, A.
Chung, K. F.
Cicerán, A.
Cingi, C.
Ciprandi, G.
Cirule, I.
Coelho, A. C.
Constantinidis, J.
Correia De Sousa, J.
Costa, E.
Costa, D.
Costa Domínguez, M. D. C.
Coste, A.
Cox, L.
Cullen, J.
Custovic, A.
Cvetkovski, B.
D'Amato, G.
Da Silva, J.
Dahl, R.
Dahlen, S.-E.
Daniilidis, V.
Darjazini Nahhas, L.
Darsow, U.
De Blay, F.
De Guia, E.
De Los Santos, C.
De Manuel Keenoy, E.
De Vries, G.
Deleanu, D.
Demoly, P.
Denburg, J.
Devillier, P.
Didier, A.
Dimou, M.
Dinh-Xuan, A. T.
Djukanovic, R.
Dokic, D.
Domínguez Silva, M. G.
Douagui, H.
Douladiris, N.
Doulaptsi, M.
Dray, G.
Dubakiene, R.
Durham, S.
Dykewicz, M.
Ebo, D.
Edelbaher, N.
Eklund, P.
El-Gamal, Y.
El-Sayed, Z. A.
El-Sayed, S. S.
El-Seify, M.
Emuzyte, R.
Enecilla, L.
Espinoza, H.
Espinoza Contreras, J. G.
Farrell, J.
Fernandez, L.
Fink Wagner, A.
Fiocchi, A.
Fokkens, W. J.
Fontaine, J.-F.
Forastiere, F.
Fuentes Pèrez, J. M.
Gaerlan-Resureccion, E.
Gaga, M.
Gálvez Romero, J. L.
Gamkrelidze, A.
Garcia, A.
García Cobas, C. Y.
García Cruz, M. D. L. L. H.
Gayraud, J.
Gemicioglu, B.
Genova, S.
Gereda, J.
Gerth Van Wijk, R.
Gomez, M.
González Diaz, S.
Gotua, M.
Grigoreas, C.
Grisle, I.
Guidacci, M.
Guldemond, N.
Gutter, Z.
Guzmán, A.
Halloum, R.
Hamelmann, E.
Hammadi, S.
Harvey, R.
Heinrich, J.
Hejjaoui, A.
Hellquist-Dahl, B.
Hernández Velázquez, L.
Hew, M.
Hossny, E.
Howarth, P.
Hrubiško, M.
Huerta Villalobos, Y. R.
Humbert, M.
Hyland, M.
Ibrahim, M.
Ilyina, N.
Irani, C.
Ispayeva, Z.
Jares, E.
Jarvis, D.
Jassem, E.
Jenko, K.
Jiméneracruz Uscanga, R. D.
Johnston, S.
Joos, G.
Jošt, M.
Julge, K.
Jung, K.-S.
Just, J.
Kaidashev, I.
Kalayci, O.
Kalyoncu, F.
Kapsali, J.
Kardas, P.
Karjalainen, J.
Kasala, C. A.
Katotomichelakis, M.
Kazi, B.
Keil, T.
Keith, P.
Khaitov, M.
Khaltaev, N.
Kim, Y.-Y.
Kleine-Tebbe, J.
Koffi N'Goran, B.
Kompoti, E.
Kopač, P.
Koppelman, G.
Koren Jeverica, A.
Košnik, M.
Kostov, K. V.
Kowalski, M. L.
Kralimarkova, T.
Kramer Vrščaj, K.
Kraxner, H.
Kreft, S.
Kritikos, V.
Kudlay, D.
Kull, I.
Kupczyk, M.
Kvedariene, V.
Kyriakakou, M.
Lalek, N.
Lane, S.
Latiff, A.
Lau, S.
Lavrut, J.
Le, L.
Lessa, M.
Levin, M.
Li, J.
Lieberman, P.
Liotta, G.
Lipworth, B.
Liu, X.
Lobo, R.
Lodrup Carlsen, K. C.
Lombardi, C.
Louis, Renaud
Loukidis, S.
Lourenço, O.
Luna Pech, J. A.
Madjar, B.
Magnan, A.
Mahboub, B.
Mair, A.
Mais, Y.
Maitland Van Der Zee, A.-H.
Makela, M.
Makris, M.
Malling, H.-J.
Mandajieva, M.
Manning, P.
Manousakis, M.
Maragoudakis, P.
Marshall, G.
Martinsmartins, P.
Masjedi, M. R.
Máspero, J. F.
Matta Campos, J. J.
Maurer, M.
Mavale-Manuel, S.
Meço, C.
Melén, E.
Melo-Gomes, E.
Meltzer, E. O.
Menditto, E.
Menzies-Gow, A.
Merk, H.
Michel, Jean-Pierre
Miculinic, N.
Midão, L.
Mihaltan, F.
Mikael, K.
Mikos, N.
Milenkovic, B.
Mitsias, D.
Moalla, B.
Moda, G.
Mogica Martínez, M. D.
Mohammad, Y.
Moin, M.
Molimard, M.
Momas, I.
Monaco, A.
Montefort, S.
Mora, D.
Morais-Almeida, M.
Mösges, R.
Mostafa, B. E.
Münter, L.
Muraro, A.
Murray, R.
Mustakov, T.
Naclerio, R.
Nadif, R.
Nakonechna, A.
Namazova-Baranova, L.
Navarro-Locsin, G.
Neffen, H.
Nekam, K.
Neou, A.
Nicod, L.
Niederberger-Leppin, V.
Niedoszytko, M.
Nieto, A.
Novellino, E.
Nunes, E.
Nyembue, D.
O'Hehir, R.
Odjakova, C.
Ohta, K.
Okamoto, Yoshitaka
Okubo, K.
Oliver, B.
Onorato, G. L.
Orru, M. P.
Ouedraogo, Solange
Ouoba, K.
Paggiaro, P. L.
Pagkalos, A.
Palaniappan, S. P.
Pali-Schöll, I.
Palkonen, S.
Palmer, S.
Panaitescu Bunu, C.
Panzner, P.
Papanikolaou, V.
Papi, A.
Paralchev, B.
Paraskevopoulos, G.
Park, H. S.
Passalacqua, G.
Patella, V.
Pavord, I.
Pawankar, R.
Pedersen, S.
Peleve, S.
Pereira, Ana Margarida
Pérez, T.
Pham-Thi, N.
Pigearias, B.
Pin, I.
Piskou, K.
Pitsios, C.
Pitsios, K.
Plavec, D.
Poethig, D.
Pohl, W.
Poplas Susic, A.
Popov, T. A.
Portejoie, F.
Potter, P.
Poulsen, L.
Prados-Torres, A.
Prarros, F.
Price, D.
Prokopakis, E.
Puy, R.
Rabe, K.
Raciborski, F.
Ramos, J.
Recto, M. T.
Reda, S. M.
Regateiro, F.
Reider, N.
Reitsma, S.
Repka-Ramirez, S.
Rimmer, J.
Rivero Yeverino, D.
Rizzo, J. A.
Robalo-Cordeiro, C.
Roberts, G.
Roche, N.
Rodríguez González, M.
Rodríguez Zagal, E.
Rolland, C.
Roller-Wirnsberger, R.
Roman Rodriguez, M.
Romano, A.
Rombaux, P.
Romualdez, J.
Rosado-Pinto, J.
Rosario, N.
Rosenwasser, L.
Rottem, M.
Rouadi, P.
Rovina, N.
Rozman Sinur, I.
Ruiz, M.
Ruiz Segura, L. T.
Ryan, D.
Sagara, H.
Sakai, D.
Sakurai, D.
Saleh, W.
Salimaki, J.
Salina, H.
Samitas, K.
Sánchez Coronel, M. G.
Sanchez-Borges, M.
Sanchez-Lopez, J.
Sarafoleanu, C.
Sarquis Serpa, F.
Sastre-Dominguez, J.
Scadding, G.
Scheire, S.
Schmid-Grendelmeier, P.
Schuhl, J. F.
Schunemann, H.
Schvalbová, M.
Scichilone, N.
Sepúlveda, C.
Serrano, E.
Sheikh, A.
Shields, M.
Shishkov, V.
Siafakas, N.
Simeonov, A.
Simons, E. F.
Sisul, J. C.
Sitkauskiene, B.
Skrindo, I.
Soklič Košak, T.
Solé, D.
Sooronbaev, T.
Soto-Martinez, M.
Sova, M.
Spertini, F.
Spranger, O.
Stamataki, S.
Stefanaki, L.
Stellato, C.
Stelmach, R.
Sterk, P.
Strandberg, T.
Stute, P.
Subramaniam, A.
Suppli Ulrik, C.
Sutherland, M.
Sylvestre, S.
Syrigou, A.
Taborda Barata, L.
Takovska, N.
Tan, R.
Tan, F.
Tan, V.
Tang, I. P.
Taniguchi, M.
Tannert, L.
Tattersall, J.
Teixeira, M. D. C.
Thijs, C.
Thomas, M.
To, T.
Todo-Bom, A. M.
Togias, A.
Tomazic, P.-V.
Toppila-Salmi, S.
Toskala, E.
Triggiani, M.
Triller, N.
Triller, K.
Tsiligianni, I.
Ulmeanu, R.
Urbancic, J.
Urrutia Pereira, M.
Vachova, M.
Valdés, F.
Valenta, R.
Valentin Rostan, M.
Valero, A.
Vallianatou, M.
Valovirta, E.
Van Eerd, M.
Van Ganse, E.
Van Hage, M.
Vandenplas, O.
Vasankari, T.
Vassileva, D.
Ventura, M. T.
Vera-Munoz, C.
Vicheva, D.
Vichyanond, P.
Vidgren, P.
Viegi, G.
Vogelmeier, C.
Von Hertzen, L.
Vontetsianos, T.
Vourdas, D.
Wagenmann, M.
Walker, S.
Wallace, D.
Wang, D. Y.
Waserman, S.
Wickman, M.
Williams, S.
Williams, D.
Wilson, N.
Woo, K.
Wright, J.
Wroczynski, P.
Xepapadaki, P.
Yakovliev, P.
Yamaguchi, M.
Yan, K.
Yap, Y. Y.
Yawn, B.
Yiallouros, P.
Yoshihara, S.
Young, I.
Yusuf, O. B.
Zaidi, A.
Zaitoun, F.
Zar, H.
Zernotti, M.
Zhang, Luo
Zhong, N.
Zidarn, M.
Zubrinich, C.
Dokumenttyp: journal article
Erscheinungsdatum: 2020
Verlag/Hrsg.: BioMed Central Ltd.
Schlagwörter: Angiotensin-converting enzyme / Antioxidant / Coronavirus / Diet / Food / ACE gene / Austria / Baltic Sea / Belgium / Czech Republic / Europe / Finland / France / Germany / Italy / Norway / Poland / Review / Slovakia / Spain / United Kingdom / Human health sciences / Cardiovascular & respiratory systems / Sciences de la santé humaine / Systèmes cardiovasculaire & respiratoire
Sprache: Englisch
Datenquelle: BASE; Originalkatalog
Powered By: BASE
Link(s) :

peer reviewed ; Reported COVID-19 deaths in Germany are relatively low as compared to many European countries. Among the several explanations proposed, an early and large testing of the population was put forward. Most current debates on COVID-19 focus on the differences among countries, but little attention has been given to regional differences and diet. The low-death rate European countries (e.g. Austria, Baltic States, Czech Republic, Finland, Norway, Poland, Slovakia) have used different quarantine and/or confinement times and methods and none have performed as many early tests as Germany. Among other factors that may be significant are the dietary habits. It seems that some foods largely used in these countries may reduce angiotensin-converting enzyme activity or are anti-oxidants. Among the many possible areas of research, it might be important to understand diet and angiotensin-converting enzyme-2 (ACE2) levels in populations with different COVID-19 death rates since dietary interventions may be of great benefit. © 2020 The Author(s).